Excess tissues in the genital region, or the pubic region can make life hard for many people. The area can become more fatty, and the skin can become looser due to aging weight, pregnancy, or other factors. The more fatty the pubic area becomes, the more it can lead one to face difficulty in hygiene and lack of confidence. If you are also struggling with similar issues due to a fatty pubic region, then read on to learn more about how a Pubic Lift Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan can change your life, and what benefits the procedure offers.
Understanding Pubic Lift Surgery!
The cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to reduce the excess skin, and fat in the pubic region is known as pubic lift, or pubic mound lift. This surgery is ideal for people who are struggling with an unaesthetic appearance of mons pubis, or who have sagging skin in the pubic region. The fat removal from the hairy part of the genital region results in a more pleasing appearance, and people no longer have to feel self-conscious about themselves.
Reasons One May Need Monsplasty:
Life can be a bit hard when there is excess fat in your genital region. There are many different reasons why people opt for mentoplasty, let’s take a look at them:
- If the excess skin or fat makes you self-conscious in the pubic region.
- If you wish to overcome the sagging, or laxity in the mons pubis region.
- Individuals who wish to improve the changes in the pelvic region due to aging, weight fluctuations, or childbirth.
- Individuals whose mons pubis look more prominent in clothing.
- If the large dimension of this region is bothering you, or making the hygiene difficult.
Preparations Before Monsplasty:
The ideal candidates need to follow their doctor-prescribed instructions before the surgery.
- If you are a smoker, please try to quit smoking a few weeks before the surgery.
- Maintain a good, healthy diet.
- To undergo this surgery you must be in good health, and you must not have active infections or disorders.
- The doctor will also recommend you to avoid taking any herbal, or other medicines.
Procedural Details of Monsplasty:
After an in-depth consultation with a qualified surgeon at Glamorous Clinic Islamabad a complete medical assessment of the patient will be carried out. The surgeon will plan out the procedure according to the condition of the patient. At our clinic, we use the following techniques of mentoplasty:
The practitioner will extract the excess fats from the pubic area with the help of the liposuction technique.
For the lift technique, the practitioner will eliminate the excess skin from the region by creating tiny incisions.
For this technique, the practitioner uses a mixture of hyaluronic acid, and the patient’s adipose tissue, and inserts this mixture in the pubic area.
The type of procedure your surgeon chooses to perform will depend on your condition and the severity of it.
Recovering Phase:
Try to follow necessary aftercare guidelines during your recovery period.
- The candidates will have to wear compression garments as they will help in support and healing.
- Take a week off rest, and you can return to your activities, and work after a week.
- Try to avoid heavy exercise for six weeks.
- After 3 weeks of the surgery, the candidates will be able to notice visible results.
- The candidates must not touch the surgical site or scratch it.
Pros of Monsplasty/Pubic Lift:
- You no longer have to live with a droopy pubic area.
- A smoother appearance of the genital region.
- It is a safe procedure that offers natural results.
- Helps individuals with the normal functioning of the urinary system.
- The surgery can be performed with other procedures such as abdominoplasty.
- A tighter mons pubis helps individuals achieve their long-lost confidence back.
Cost Details:
The Cost of Pubic Lift Surgery in Islamabad will be known to the candidates after having a brief consultation with our experts. Our professional surgeons will let you know about cost details after examining your condition.
Book A Consultation!
Glamorous Clinic Islamabad has a great team of professional surgeons, and doctors who can help you in your journey towards the body of your dreams. If you are tired of having a fatty mons pubis, then why wait until you can get the right treatment? To book an appointment for Pubic Lift Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan you can reach out to us through the consultation form at our website.