Birthmarks Removal in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan Birthmark Cost

Birthmarks are skin imperfections that form even before birth, during the embryonic stage. There are several types of birthmarks on the skin, and in most cases, they are not dangerous. They occur in newborns during the first months of life, and if necessary, they can be removed with a simple laser treatment carried out by the dermatologist. These Birthmark Removal are not usually dangerous unless they form in very sensitive and delicate areas. Birthmarks Removal in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan is done through laser treatment.

What is Birthmark Removal Treatment?

Removal of moles with a laser is most often performed under local anesthesia. If there are not very many moles or they are all small, then they can be removed with a laser in one session. It is necessary to limit the dose of the administered local anesthetic in accordance with the instructions due to the possibility of side effects. If the limits on painkillers are reached, the removal of the remaining moles is transferred to the next session.

Results of Birthmark Removal:

The appearance of the birthmark is reduced with each session and at the end of the treatment, it completely vanishes. The skin gets completely clear of any marks.

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The advantages of Birthmark Removal in Islamabad Pakistan include:

Efficiency – Only a few visits to the doctor are enough to remove the formation, if performed correctly, the risk of re-formation of a mole is minimal.

Safety – Careful control of the depth and area of ​​impact, low risk of infection and bleeding

Faster Recovery – Small risks of scars, and burns and the recovery is quite quick, the risk of complications with proper postoperative care is minimal.

Affordable Cost – The cost of the treatment is also quite affordable at Glamorous Clinic.Β Β Β 

Ideal Candidate:

Laser removal is distinguished by minimal invasiveness. Therefore, the intervention has practically no contraindications. However, there are several restrictions. The doctor will offer an alternative solution to the problem in the presence of the following diseases:

  • AIDS, HIV, viral hepatitis, cancer
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • Mental illness
  • Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus.

The treatment is one of the most affordable, safe, and effective methods for removing skin tumors.


Before removing moles with a laser, it is necessary to examine the neoplasm. The dermatologist conducts a visual examination of the nevus under multiple magnifications. A dermatoscopy helps to examine the surface of the formation in detail.

Either directly with the laser or in combination with superficial excision, it is possible to effectively remove the skin formation at the same time and obtain enough tissue for examination in the laboratory. If malignancy is suspected, the patient is recommended surgical excision, affecting not only the mole but also healthy areas.

Special preparation for laser removal is not required. The doctor may recommend taking general tests to make sure that there are no general contraindications and possible restrictions.


Under the action of the laser, neoplasm cells are heated and destroyed, and the laser also coagulates nearby blood vessels, so the risk of bleeding is negligible.

During the treatment, the tissues of the mole and the root are removed, which eliminates the risk of re-growth of the formation in this place. Depending on the size of the mole, removal is carried out during one or more procedures.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which eliminates pain. A small crust remains at the site of intervention, which falls off on its own within 2 weeks.

At this time, it is necessary to avoid moisture and friction in the place of manipulation, as well as limit exposure to the sun, a solarium, a pool, and a bath are also prohibited.


The healing rate of moles after laser removal varies greatly depending on the size, location, and depth. It ranges from a few days to a month. Moles on the face heal the fastest. The slowest is on your feet.

After laser birthmark removal therapy, you should take good care of your skin. Here are some tips:

  • Moisturize regularly with fragrance-free moisturizer or pure Aloe Vera gel
  • Do not scratch the skin
  • Use an SPF of at least 30 until the skin heals. Reapply often to ensure protection

Cost of Birthmark Removal:

The cost of Birthmark Removal in Islamabad Pakistan can range from PKR 8,999 to PKR 22,999. The price can vary depending on several factors like the number of sessions needed and the doctor’s expertise. The doctor will determine the actual process after the initial consultation.

Why Choose Us?

In Enfield Royal Clinic, laser mole removal operations are carried out at a high professional level using modern laser technology of the latest generation, which eliminates the risk of complications or postoperative scars. The operation can be performed at any convenient time on an outpatient basis, after the intervention, you can go about your current affairs, it will not affect your usual lifestyle in any way.

Book a Free Consultation

The clinic uses modern equipment that eliminates the risk of complications and the appearance of postoperative scars. You can sign up for a consultation by calling the center or by leaving a request on the website.