Mentor Breast Implants in Islamabad Pakistan Cost & Price

The increasing desire of people to make sure their physical looks are perfect as well as their self-confidence is high has seen an increase in the number of youth choosing cosmetic surgery in recent years. As far as the advertised techniques are concerned, breast augmentation proves itself to be the most popular one, and Mentor breast implants remain the most reliable procedure among women who are choosing the augmentation procedure. In this article, we dive deeper into the importance of the process, the safety aspect, and the key factors that have to be considered before getting breast augmentation with Mentor implants in Islamabad Pakistan.

What is the Mentor Breast Implant?

Mentor implants are medical devices used in breast enlargement surgeries for remodeling and size increase of breast features. Such prostheses are made out of the silicone elastic outer shell which is filled with either saline solution or silicone gel. They are available in various colors, shapes, and forms to meet your needs. They can make you slim, dashing, or plumpy, accordingly. Mentor breast implants are alluring for their superior quality, lasting power, and close to the feel of natural breasts as compared to other choices.

Aim of Procedure:

The aim of a breast augmentation procedure employing the Mentor breast implants is to increase the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts all up, hence providing patients with a way out of achieving their desired aesthetic goals. Whether that’s recovering breast volume lost to pregnancy or nursing, feeling more satisfactory about breast size and body image, or just improving the symmetry of the breasts, Mentor breast implants offer you a safe solution with long-term benefits. Through the exact customization of the implant, size, shape, and placement according to each patient’s particular anatomy and desire, a great deal of attention is devoted to obtaining a natural-looking physical appearance. Implantation is believed to boost self-confidence and self-image.


  • Enhanced breast size and shape
  • Improved body proportions
  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • Restoration of breast volume lost due to pregnancy or weight loss
  • Boost in self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Natural-looking results
  • Long-lasting satisfaction
  • Customizable options
  • Comfortable feel


The results of a breast augmentation procedure with Mentor breast implants are multidimensional and transformational for the patient. Patients can have their breasts enlarged and shaped as expected, providing them with better proportions and symmetry of their bodies. Being corrected for breast asymmetry and undergoing the procedure of volume replacement, most of the patients of this rhinoplasty receive instant confidence relief of self-dialogue and self-sufficiency in their lives. Realism is attained as the implants’ size, shape, and placement are precisely selected; they continue to bring pleasure to the patients. Patients may have comfort in using mentor implants knowing that they have selected a well-known brand that has high quality and is innovative.

Ideal Candidate for the Treatment:

  • A healthy individual with realistic expectations
  • Desire for enhanced breast size or shape
  • Good physical and emotional health
  • Stable weight
  • Fully developed breasts
  • Non-smoker
  • A clear understanding of risks and benefits
  • Willingness to follow pre-and post-operative instructions
  • No history of breast cancer or certain other medical conditions
  • Motivated to undergo the procedure for personal reasons

Pre Procedural Instructions:

  • Attend pre-operative consultation
  • Disclose medical history and medications
  • Complete any necessary pre-operative tests
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Follow instructions regarding medication use
  • Arrange for transportation on the day of surgery
  • Arrange for post-operative care and support
  • Follow fasting instructions before surgery
  • Avoid food and drink before the specified time
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to surgery

Treatment Procedure:

For the patient getting breast augmentation surgery with the Mentor breast implants in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan the patient gets general anesthesia to ensure his comfort and safety. The surgeon makes accurate incisions, generally in the crease of the breast, outlining the edge of the areola, or in the armpit so that the new lines of scars are hidden and not visible. Through these cuts, the surgeon can create pockets firstly behind the breast tissue and secondly beneath the muscles of the chest. The selected implants of the Mentor implants, filled with saline solution or in most cases with silicone gel, when placed in these pockets and positioned – do the work and bring the wanted size and form. After the posts are installed, the surgeon then takes time to close off the incisions delicately using sutures. The entire process as far as the surgery itself is concerned is usually a few hours, and patients are being watched closely in the recovery room before being cleared to go home the same day.

Recovery Period:

Following breast augmentation with Mentor breast implants, patients can expect a recovery period of several weeks. During this time, it’s important to allow the body to heal properly and gradually adjust to the implants. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following surgery, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and rest. While recovery experiences vary, most patients can resume light activities within a few days and return to work within a week or two. However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complications and ensure optimal healing. Patients are advised to follow these aftercare instructions:

  • Attend all follow-up appointments with the surgeon
  • Take prescribed pain medication as directed
  • Wear supportive bras or compression garments as recommended
  • Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting
  • Keep the incision sites clean and dry
  • Follow proper scar care instructions provided by the surgeon
  • Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet to promote healing
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, as they can impair healing

Cost of the Mentor Breast Implants:

The cost of breast augmentation with Mentor breast implants in Islamabad Pakistan typically ranges from PKR 300,000 to PKR 700,000, depending on various factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, clinic location, implant type, and additional fees for anesthesia and facility charges. Patients need to consult with our surgeon to obtain an accurate cost estimate based on their specific needs and desired outcomes.

Final Thoughts!

Step right into a magical wonderland of beauty, confidence, and personal evolution with the help of Mentor Breast Implants at Glamorous Clinic. Learn from the expertise of many people who have already chosen Mentor and experienced the top-level performance, safety, and innovation they were looking for.