Melasma Treatment in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan - Cost

Melasma is a skin condition that is characterized by small flat brown marks commonly appearing on the facial region especially on the cheeks and nose. Most of the time, women are affected by this skin condition. Melasma can be caused due to pregnancy, genetics, birth control pills, sun exposure, or hormonal imbalance. Prolonged sun exposure is on the top of the list. They mostly appear in the summer season.

Undergo Melasma Treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan and get flawless, smooth and glowing skin in just a few days. It helps you restore natural skin tone without causing any harm or any major side-effects. You will notice a significant improvement in the appearance of dark spots right after the procedure.


It is important for you to take necessary measures in advance in order to protect your skin from undesired discoloration. You have to avoid exposing the skin to direct sunlight by wearing a strong SPF sunscreen and protective clothing while going out.

Results of Melasma Treatment:

The time required for the results to become apparent varies depending upon the technique used. Some treatments deliver immediate results while others take time. However, as a result of any melasma treatment in Islamabad, you will notice a wonderful improvement in the skin tone.

Best Melsama Clinic in Islamabad Best Melsama Treatment Clinic in Islamabad Melsama Clinic in Islamabad

Melsama Treatment Clinic in Islamabad Melsama Treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan Melsama Treatment in Islamabad

Who is the Candidate?

Before getting Melasma Treatment, you are requested to check whether you are a good candidate for the treatment or not. Consults our experts, they will help you with this concern.

You can undergo the treatment if,

  • You have realistic predictions about the results of the treatment
  • You are extremely bothered by these brown marks
  • You are not suffering from any serious physical or mental illness
  • You’re 18 years old or above and in good general health

Treatment Options:

Experts use different methods to treat melasma non-surgically. Common treatment methods include

  • Chemical peels
  • Laser therapies
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Topical creams
  • IPL treatment

Chemical Peels:

The peels contain chemical agents to remove the top layer of the facial skin for a fairer and even skin tone. It produces wonderful results for fair-skinned patients. A controlled chemical burn is used to eliminate unwanted melanin pigment from the skin. It can be done alone or can be combined with other topical therapies to produce better results.

Laser Therapies:

If topical medications are not helping then you can consider laser therapy for melasma. Laser beams directed on the surface of the skin break down the buildups of melasma into smaller components so that they can be removed easily. Fraxel laser is the most effective treatment for melasma. It delivers significant results in just 2-3 sessions. Laser therapy also stimulates collagen and elastin levels in the skin.


Small crystals are sprayed on the top layer of the skin to exfoliate the damaged skin. Only a few sessions are enough to get the desired results. New skin will be more even, fairer and glowing. It is virtually painless and side-effects are negligible.

IPL Treatment:

The treatment is minimally invasive and completely painless. It has gained a lot of popularity all around the globe because of its spectacular results. In this treatment, a broadband light source is used to break down the pigmentation buildups in smaller ones. The smaller bits are then eliminated out of the body effortless. There is no downtime associated with IPL treatment.

What are Post-Treatment Guidelines?

It is important for you to take care of the treated site after the procedure. Following post-operative instructions will help you get the best possible results and quick recovery

  • Apply topical medications on the treatment site to minimize post-procedure side-effects
  • Keep the treated area moisturized and avoid touching it unnecessarily
  • Avoid rubbing or massaging the skin for about 2 weeks after the procedure
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure for a couple of weeks after the treatment
  • Apply sunscreen to your face before going out during day time
  • In some cases, scabs appear so avoid picking or scratching them


Almost all these treatments have no downtime. You can continue routine tasks as soon as the session is completed. Swelling might appear after the treatment but it will fade in just 2-3 hours. Use icepacks to minimize it.

Book a Free Appointment:

If you are bothered by this type of pigmentation consider Melasma Treatment in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan. Book your appointment with Glamorous Clinic and say goodbye to it.